Friday, May 18, 2012

Big day for Jebby!

Today was Jeb's first day at 'school', what we're calling the homeschool co-op. They have classes on Fridays for all different age groups, and little ones can play in a big room full of toys for free. There are 3 hours of classes, with a lunch break after 2nd hour. We had originally planned on doing only 2nd and 3rd hour, with lunch in between, but while we were in Columbus last week, we saw a dance recital and Jebriel loved watching all the dancers. He started asking to take a dance class, and what do you know, there was a tap class 1st hour. So we bought him some tap shoes and signed him up! Actually we signed him up and then realized the day before that he needed the tap shoes and made a rush trip to Payless ;)

He was so excited for school all week, especially tap class, but when I woke him up that morning, he started saying "No thank you, I don't want to go." I got him up and dressed and told him that it was ok to be nervous, but I knew he was going to have fun, etc. He cheered up a little, but every so often kept saying "I'm a little bit nervous". By the time we got there and we got into the first class, which was tap, he was totally fine. I had him introduce himself to the teacher, and we put his tap shoes on. We stayed and watched for a little while to make sure he was ok, and then when the girls got antsy, I kept waiting for him to look over at me so I could wave goodbye so he wasn't shocked when we weren't there, and he never looked back. My brave boy! The girls played and I talked to a couple of moms, and even met another adoptive mom.

We picked him up from tap class and walked him to Adventures in Literature. He asked me how many classes he got to go to, and was a little bummed when I said only 2 more. They read a book about a caterpillar and did a caterpillar craft, but he had trouble telling me what book it was, it doesn't seem like it was The Very Hungry Caterpillar-next time I'll ask the teacher so we can talk about it later. After that class we all went down and had lunch in a big room. It was fun to see the older kids socializing while they ate, I can't wait for Jeb to have friends that he looks forward to hanging out with. During lunch he asked again how many classes he had left, and I said one more. He said "Mommy, I'm sad about one more class, I want more classes all day long!"

After lunch we took him to his 'God's World through Little Eyes Science class, where he learned about rainbows and Noah's ark, and made a rainbow craft.

He had so much fun, and can't wait to go back! I'm so glad it was such a positive experience for him!

Here's his 'first day of school' picture, complete with lunch bag. He's very proud of that bag because it has his name on it, and he can recognize the J for Jebby :)

Later this evening, he was practicing his letters, and he asked to practice writing M for mommy. It took a lot of practice, but he finally got it, and wrote a few in a row. I told him to draw a circle in between the m's, and he didn't understand, so I did it for him and showed him that that spelled 'mom'. He was all excited and wrote this all by himself:

I'm so proud of my boy!

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