Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Grad School

I got my grades last night from my first graduate class at Walsh...

I got an A (98%)!!! =)

I signed up for BIT 541 - Electronic Commerce with Professor Ciaramitaro on Monday nights and BIT 551 - Database Warehousing with Professor Calvaneso on Thursday nights.

**Mr. Modest failed to mention that this 98% he just got was the highest grade in the whole class!**

Push ups

I've never actually been able to do 100 push ups at one time. Oddly enough, a few days ago I found the website It has a 6 week, 3 workouts a week, plan for getting to 100 push ups.

I started on Sunday with the initial test and I was able to do a respectable 50 push ups.

Yesterday afternoon (my Tuesday morning) I completed day 1.
10 push ups - 60 second rest
10 push ups - 60 second rest
8 push ups - 60 second rest
6 push ups - 60 second rest
max - I made it to 30

I am looking forward to seeing my progress over the next few weeks. The program starts slow, but week 4-6 seem really tough...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Eco friendly baby

I just found a blog that showcases cute eco-friendly baby items from different websites. Its so cute! They did an entry about baby hats made from cashmere remnants, and kids shoes with recycled laces and recycled tire soles. 

Monday, June 16, 2008

Poor Kitties

We got Kya and Zoe spayed on Thursday. They came through fine, and when we went to pick them up, our vet called us into the back room and said she wanted to show us something. There they were, laying so quietly together, so calm. She said "I thought you should see this now, since it won't last". She was right. As soon as we got them home and out of their crates, they started pulling at their stitches, so Eric watched them while I ran back up to the vet (luckily its only 2 minutes away) and got some cones for them to wear. They were not thrilled.

They have been healing well. Kya has been a little slower, but maybe she's the normal one, because the same day of her surgery, Zoe was running and jumping all over the place, being her usual trouble making self. Then last night, we noticed that even though she had her cone on, Zoe had discovered a position in which she could still reach the bottom stitch, and it was all puffed up. So this morning we took her back in, and they checked her incision and gave her an even bigger cone! Their stitches have to stay in until the 23rd, and since they keep picking, they're going to have to keep the cones on until then.

Friday, June 13, 2008

For Max (Thanks Aunt Chris)

Lend Me a Kitten

I will lend to you for a while
a kitten, God said.
For you to love while he lives,
and to mourn when he's dead.

Maybe for twelve or fourteen years,
or maybe two or three
But will you, 'till I call him back,
take care of him for me?

He'll bring his charms to gladden you
and should his stay be brief,
you'll always have his memories
as solace for your grief.

I cannot promise he will stay,
since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught below
I want this kitten to learn.

I've looked the whole world over
in search of teachers true,
And from the folk that crowds life's land
I have chosen you.

Now will you give him all your love,
nor think the labor vain?
Nor hate me when I come to take
my kitten home again?

And my heart replied,
"My Lord, Thy Will Be Done."
For all the joys this kitten brings,
the risk of grief I'll run.

I'll shelter him with tenderness,
I'll love him while I may.
And for the happiness that I've known,
I’ll forever grateful stay.

But should you call him back
much sooner than I planned,
I'll brave the bitter grief that comes,
and try to understand.

If by my love I've managed
your wishes to achieve,
in memory of his sweet sweet love,
please help me while I grieve.

When my cherished kitten
departs this world of strife,
Please send yet another needing soul
for me to love all his life.

Author Unknown

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A pictorial update on life

We went to Nathan and Serena's wedding, which was beautiful. 

For David and Kaylee's birthday, we took them to Castaway Cafe in Howell.  

We finally planted the garden! All of my starter plants died because they were in such small spaces. I wasn't counting on such cold weather in May. So we had to start again from seeds. We went over there last night and the beans, squash, and zucchini are already sprouted!

Zoe's new favorite pastime, watching things go around and around in the microwave.

My Pioneer Club class at church. For our end of the year project, we made a bookshelf for our classroom. I totally made up the design myself, and I've never built anything before, but it turned out really cute! By the end of this year, I had 8 kids in my class, which was really fun! 

Monday, June 9, 2008

Max 10/24/06-6/7/08

We had to put Max to sleep this weekend. He had a heart condition and developed a blood clot in his back leg. We took him to the animal hospital, where they said they could try to treat it, but then would have to draw a lot of blood and he would have to see a couple of specialists and have to be poked and prodded a lot, and have to take medicine every day, and even after all of that, he would most likely get another blood clot that could cause him more pain and be worse for him. 

We had always said that we would put their needs and happiness before ours, so, as much as we love him, we decided it would be better to let him go before he got even worse. 

We took Ian along for moral support and it really helped both of them. Max went very peacefully and calmly, and I think it was good for Ian too. He seemed to understand, and is coping very well. Luckily he bonded so well with Kiara and loves to play with the kittens, so he's not all alone here without his brother.

Its a little strange not having him around, he was always right at my side, wherever I was in the house, and always greeted us at the door. But he had a good, happy life, and we have a lot of great memories of him.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Camden!!!

Camden is 1 year old today! What a fast year that was! He's running all over the place now and saying a few words, and is such a happy little guy.