Thursday, August 24, 2006


My first Montessori weekend was a success! It took about 1 hour and 40 minutes to get there, which really wasn't horrible. There are 42 people in the class, and only one of them is a guy. I'm the youngest person there out of everyone I've met so far, there are a lot of older people who already work at Montessoris and are just getting certified. There is another girl there that is 21, and she and I drove to the Lenawee County Fair on Saturday night after classes, just to get a break from sitting and studying and being around nuns all weekend.
The school year is coming up fast and I am looking forward to going back to work every day. This year will be a little different because David will be in preschool 2 days a week, so I will get a lot of one on one time with Kaylee, which I'm excited about. She's at such a fun age. She has enough hair for a little pony tail on the top of her head, and the other day I was even able to do pigtails.

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