Thursday, January 27, 2011


Welcome to our new blog, a more private way to share our lives. I also made the resolution to post more, so we'll see how that goes!

We'll start with today: We had our Mom and Tots group at church this morning, which I started this fall so we'd have somewhere to go when the weather starts getting cold. We have had great turnouts, one particularly snowy day we only had one other friend join us, but we have had as many as 12 kids! We have invited our friends and made some new friends, and it is great to have a place where the kids are contained enough that we can actually have a normal conversation. Although, a 'normal' conversation these days is growth percentiles, teething, and toilet habits. But hey, at least we're talking to other grown ups!

Speaking of toilet habits-Jenavieve has shown occasional interest in using the toilet. As per my Montessori training, I was going to call it 'toilet learning' instead of 'potty training' and was asking Vivi if she needed to 'use the toilet' instead of 'go potty'. She would have a few hours of great success, but eventually she wouldn't care anymore and would refuse to sit on the toilet. We aren't in a huge hurry, she'll get there when she gets there, but we do still ask her and encourage her to try. When she does 'go', she knows it's a big deal and she claps for herself and says "yay". She loves to throw the toilet paper in and watch it flush. Now to get her to care enough to do it all day!

Pull Ups has this new campaign with some children's singer singing "Do the *clap clap* potty dance" and the commercial has kids and parents dancing and singing, and a clip of a child sitting on the toilet. Vivi, the little parrot she is becoming, pointed and said "potty!". I said "Yes, a potty is a toilet. Would you like to try using the toilet?" She responded "potty" and ran to the bathroom, where she proceeded to 'go' and announce "potty!" So I decided to let go (mostly) of the terminology issue, because they're just words, and whatever makes her want to use it, we can do.

Hopefully an update soon about success on the toilet/potty!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! For the house, & the new blog setup! I love the setup, very nice. :)
