Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy September!

We've heard some reports that we haven't been posting enough, so here's a new post!

We've been pretty busy, the school year started up again and this year I'm working Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, but the days are longer this year than last year. David is in kindergarten and rides the bus to and from school. He told me its not as much fun as preschool because "you only get to play for like a minute", but he likes buying lunch there. Kaylee is in preschool and she loves it. They're growing up! :( 

Last week, Eric got baptized! The lighting in the sanctuary isn't great so its a fuzzy picture but thats ok. We had a little luncheon afterwards for some of our close friends from church, it was really fun. I'm so proud of him!

Pioneer Club started up again for the year, and this year, Eric has his own class instead of being just my partner. He has 5 boys ages 8-10, and I have 3 middle school aged girls. I've never taught middle school before so it should be interesting.

Eric has some stuff going on, I'll try to get him to post sometime this week too. And I've been trying a lot of yummy new recipes that I haven't posted on my recipe blog yet, I'll try to get to that.

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